Can I give more than 5 stars?! We were (are) a family of five 2000 miles from home in an old Ford motorhome – stranded – blown water pump. Dean for some reason said yes despite probably an already full plate on a Saturday. I’m grateful you did Dean – along with being an honest and genuine guy – but I’m even more grateful for the opportunity to just get to know you and your family just a little bit. (shout out to your boy! -tell him we say a big Indiana Hello and We miss you). You and your shop crew got it going on! You made an impact on us – simply through hard work, kindness, honesty, community, and good ole fashion brotherly love. I hope we meet up again someday…by the way we had an awesome rest of our trip! While Mandi was taking this picture, I was watching the coolant run out of the RV engine, just realizing we had a major problem…. : )